प्रथमस्तरङ्गः / FIRST
श्रियं दिशतु वः शम्भो श्यामः कण्ठो मनोभुवा
अङ्कस्थपार्वतीदृष्टिपाशैरिव विवेष्टितः ॥
Let Shiva bless us with all good things!
dark-hued neck was enveloped by the ropes
namely the looks of Paarvati seated on his
lap, who was induced by passion.
Shiva! The Supreme Lord, spouse of Paarvati!
Paarvati was seated on his lap in the tight embrace of her Lord.
Her heart was disturbed by the rising waves of passion as if stuck
by the arrows of Manmatha. She tied her Lord with strong ropes from which he
could never escape.
What were they? Her passion filled looks!
सन्ध्यानृत्तोत्सवे ताराः करेणोद्धूय विघ्नजित् शीत्कारसीकरैरन्याः कल्पयन्निव पातु वः ॥
Lord Ganesha, who destroys all the obstacles
swept away all the stars with his trunk,
when he was dancing with glee at the evening
and he was spraying cool spray of water as if
creating different ones!
Let him protect us!
Happy by the love sports of his parents, Ganesha started dancing
at the evening time. As he danced wildly in the cosmos, all the stars were
swept away by his violently moving trunk. But as he sucked the waters of the Celestial River
flowing from his father’s head and sprayed it all over and lo, the sky was
again filled with the white pearly drops of Ganges
and shone as if with stars!
वाचं निःशेषपदार्थोद्योतदीपिकाम् बृहत्कथायाः सारस्य संग्रहं रचाम्यहम् ॥
I salute the Goddess of speech,
who lights up the meaning of all words
without any residue.
(Blessed by her)
I now compose the collection which contains
the essence of ‘Brhat-Kathaa’
First I will begin with ‘Kathaa-Peeta’ - कथापीठम् - the pedestal on which
the entire work is placed; it will be followed by KathaaMukha - कथामुखम्
Then the third story will be of ‘Laavaanaka’ - लावानकः
Then NaraVaahanaDatta’s birth - नरवाहनदत्तस्य जननम्
Then ChaturDaarikaa - चतुर्दारिका
Then MadanaMunchakaa – मदनमुञ्चका
Then the seventh one is named RatnaPrabhaa – रत्नप्रभा
The eight one is named Suryaprabhaa - सूर्यप्रभा
Next Alankaaravatee अलंकारवती and
Shaktiyashaa शक्तियशा
Velaa - वेला will be
the eleventh one.
Then Shashaankavati – शशाङ्कवती,
Madiraavati – मदिरावती,
Mahaabhisheka - महाभिषेक, followed by Pancha - पञ्च
Then SurataManjari - सुरतमञ्जरी, Padmaavati - पद्मावती
VishamaSheela विषमशीला will be
the eighteenth.
The stories are exactly as depicted in the source. There is not
the least deviation. Only the original text has been rendered short; the
language is not different. At suitable places changes are there without
spoiling the essence of the stories. I am not composing this for getting name
or wealth; but to make the entangled network of stories easy to remember.
अस्तिकिन्नरगन्धर्वविद्याधरनिषेवितः चक्रवर्ती गिरीन्द्राणां हिमवानिति विश्रुतः ॥
There is a renowned emperor of all the great
hills named Himavaan.
He is served by all the Kinnaras, Gandharvas,
and Vidyaadharas.
माहात्म्यमियतीं भूमिमारूढं यस्य भूभृतां यद्भवानी सुताभावं
त्रिजगज्जननी गता ॥
The Mountain was so celebrated for greatness
in the world that
Bhavaani, the mother of all the three worlds
on the identity of being his daughter.
उत्तरं तस्य शिखरं कैलासाख्यो महागिरिः योजनानां सहस्राणि बहून्याक्रम्य तिष्टति ॥
मन्दरो मथितेऽप्यब्धौ न सुधासिततां गतः अहं त्वयत्नादिति यो हसतीव स्वकान्तिभिः ॥
On his northern side is the great Mountain
called Kailaasa;
covering many thousands of Yojanas.
He shines pure white as if laughing aloud
‘The (milk) ocean did not turn white like
by the
churning of the Mandara
Mountain ;
but I have turned white without any effort!’
The milk ocean gave out the dark poison along with the nectar; so
it did not turn white!
Shiva who resides on Kailaasa swallowed the poison and darkened
his throat. But the Mountain which was his abode turned white by such a daring
selfless act of Shiva who saved the creation by consuming the poison.
चराचरगुरुः तत्र निवसत्यम्बिकाःसखगणैर्विद्याधरैः सिद्धैः सेव्यमानो महेश्वरः ॥
The great Lord, who is the Master of all the
moving and non-moving,
lives there along with his spouse Ambikaa,
served by the Shiva-Ganas, Vidyaadharas and
पिङ्गोत्तुङ्गजटाजूटगतो यस्याश्रुते नवः संध्यापिशङ्गपूर्वार्द्रिशृङ्गसङ्गसुखं शशी ॥
The moon which stays in the high yellow-hued
matted locks enjoys newly,
the joy of the company of the eastern
mountain yellowed by the evening twilight.
The moon adorns now the tall matted yellow locks of Shiva and
feels great as if he is sitting on top of the eastern mountain which has become
yellow by the twilight of the evening. He can boast now of sitting on the
eastern mountain and act equal to the so-called great Sun!
येनान्धकासुरपतेरेकस्यार्पयता हृदि शूलं त्रिजगतोऽप्यस्य हृदयाच्चित्रमुद्धृतम् ॥
Shiva had pierced the one single heart of
Andhaka demon with his Trident;
and had extracted out the spear that had
pierced through the heart of the three worlds!
Indeed it is a wonder!
Andhaka demon was harassing all the three worlds with his wicked
deeds. When Shiva killed him with his trident, he had instantly extracted the
pain of harassment in the form of the piecing spear from the hearts all the
people of the three worlds. One heart was pierced by a spear; all the worlds
were free of the spear hurting them! A
great wonder indeed!
यत्पादनखाग्रप्रतिमाङ्किताः प्रसादप्राप्तचन्द्रार्धा इव भान्ति सुरासुराः ॥
The Gods and non-Gods shine, as if they have
received half of the moon as blessing;
because of the edge of the nails of Shiva
reflected in their crest-jewels
(when they saluted his feet)!
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